A lot of compelling reasons but over and above it boils down to inaccurate knowledge of the public about its symptoms that leads to a worst case. For instance, a young neighbor who lives just a house after died recently because of this. She works in the next city and her kin couldn't believe she has this deadly disease. There was no early symptoms now the girl was a bit weak. It just hit her quickly and the medical findings told them that the disease was on her body for quite sometime. It's really pathetic and i can't help get pity over her case. She is so young and she is working for the family and all of a sudden it wen out this way. I heard numerous talks about this disease but i don't believe it will really happen at least to anyone i knew personally. I have heard red rashes being one of it's symptoms and i didn't see any from her. Does that mean the symptoms for this disease is a case to case basis?
An online medical site gave out this symptoms:
What are the symptoms? Symptoms may depend on what type of leukemia you have, but common symptoms include:
Fever and night sweats.
Bruising or bleeding easily.
Bone or joint pain.
A swollen or painful belly from an enlarged spleen.
Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, neck, or groin.
Getting a lot of infections.
Feeling very tired or weak.
Losing weight and not feeling hungry.