

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Know Your Doctor's Specialization

Honestly, i don't have a single idea about doctor's specialization. Probably because i am more focus in a medical doctor on its general view. I mean when i say "doctor" - its a profession intended to treat the sick people and regardless if they;re for animals or man, i just knew they belong to the same white label.

Thus, while im having sense on the medical aspect, it made me research for the basic medical specialization and here's what i've got:


Pediatrician - children 
Gerentologist - elderly 

Anesthesiologist - Anesthesia
Surgeon - Surgery
Cardiologist - heart
Nephrologist - Kidney
Hepatologist - Liver
Pulmonologist - Lungs
Endocrinologist - Glands
Dermatologist - Skin
Opthamologist - Eyes
Otolaryngologist - Ears, Nose and Throat

Gynecologist - female parts
Gasteroenterologist - Stomach and intestines
Proctologist - Rectum and anus
Urologist - Structures for urination under kidney 
Rheumatologist - Joints
Neurologist - Nervous system

I think they are the basic specialization that we need to know. So next time, you pay visit to your clinic, just pay attention to the label after their name. It says it all.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Craving for Heat...

Honestly, i am craving for Mr. Sunshine. I mean, being an allergy person that i am, i more want to live in a dessert since the allergy attacks during cold season. I hate the raining time since it means that i will be prone to sneezing, slight headache and other allergy symptoms that i usually experience.

Now that the summer season is here, i more want to enjoy and feel the heart..

How about you guys? Do you look forward to summer escapades?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Do We Need a Daily Dose of Ascorbic Acid?

I admit i am a little vain in terms of my body's resistance to little things like dust, heat and change of weather condition. The latter is not a buddy since most fo the time i will encounted allergic rhinitis which if i will not deal attentively may result in serious asthma attack, So whenver i feel i need a little rest and medication for allergy, i should do it the soonest to prevent further consequence. I have several health measures done to make sure i won't be hit by bad allergy but most of the time i can't tell which of those works for me and which does not. At the end of the day, it's about taking good care of our body and giving it it's sole rest is the best and ultimate way to stay healthy.

Anyway, as part of my quest to properly give my body it's needed care, i decided to change my vitans and switch to pure ascorbic acid.How many times have you heard about multivitamins, vitamins for the blood, skin and other stuff? BUt wait, one thing remains constant and that's the fact that ascorbic acid is what our body needs to boosts our immune system. A daily dose of this will hopefully make my immune system a little stronger thus ill eradicate some asthma days:)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Get Rid of Prickly Heat

Summertime is coming in less than a month, i suppose most of the students are preparing for their graduation rites while some are happy mom who celebrate their child's school impressive performance.After which, kids will surely paint an awesome smile everyday. Why not? They will have time to play all day, have time to bond with their families and watch their favorite channel all day long.

The nephew is so much excited for the summer. She will always asked me how many days more before the end of their class and i am for her since when i was still a kid, i used to look forward for this long vacation. Nonetheless, summertime also brings few skin rashes because of too much exposure to the sun. Our kids seems to enjoy having long exposure but what they don't know is they are also prone to skin rashes like the popular prickly heat. The latter is a common skin rash among children especially during summer. It's no surprise when kids complain for a an itchy feeling every now and then especially at their back. If you may have notice, some kids do have towels at their back not only to prevent penetration of the sweat but also to protect them from huge exposure of sun leading to this prickly heat.

By the way, i found this a nice remedy for prickly heat in case you encounter such hassle this summer.

This powder is available to all leading pharmacy and drug stores nationwide.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Girl Thing: Menstrual Flow

I am actually in pain right now, i can't believe this menstrual flow just ruins the day's mood. Maybe it's just a hormonal thing but i can't help but wondered how this happened and what works in there. For girls, the monthly period is like a monthly agony. Some women dealt with painful cramps while some can't even work during their flows. But really, it amazed me how the blood goes out ad stop instantly. There is no system or machine out there yet it just works perfectly.

Per online resource, here is complete guide to this girl thing:

The menstrual cycle is the scientific term for the physiological changes that occur in fertile women and other female primates for the purposes of sexual reproduction. This article focuses on the human menstrual cycle, a "monthly" cycle that can vary around an average of ~28 days per cycle. The menstrual cycle, under the control of the endocrine system, is necessary for reproduction. It is commonly divided into three phases: the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. It is also occasionally misclassified using the uterine cycle: menstruation, proliferative phase, and secretory phase.[1] Menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of menstrual bleeding. Hormonal contraception interferes with the normal hormonal changes with the aim of preventing reproduction