

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Know Your Doctor's Specialization

Honestly, i don't have a single idea about doctor's specialization. Probably because i am more focus in a medical doctor on its general view. I mean when i say "doctor" - its a profession intended to treat the sick people and regardless if they;re for animals or man, i just knew they belong to the same white label.

Thus, while im having sense on the medical aspect, it made me research for the basic medical specialization and here's what i've got:


Pediatrician - children 
Gerentologist - elderly 

Anesthesiologist - Anesthesia
Surgeon - Surgery
Cardiologist - heart
Nephrologist - Kidney
Hepatologist - Liver
Pulmonologist - Lungs
Endocrinologist - Glands
Dermatologist - Skin
Opthamologist - Eyes
Otolaryngologist - Ears, Nose and Throat

Gynecologist - female parts
Gasteroenterologist - Stomach and intestines
Proctologist - Rectum and anus
Urologist - Structures for urination under kidney 
Rheumatologist - Joints
Neurologist - Nervous system

I think they are the basic specialization that we need to know. So next time, you pay visit to your clinic, just pay attention to the label after their name. It says it all.


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