

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Runny Nose Is Irritating

Have you experienced blowing your nose for countless times yet it's still up and the watery thing inside never stops from coming out. So irritating, isnt it? I don't know what triggers this thing but i knew that when my allergy hits me then this runny nose will comes next. Most of the time i am immediately hit by allergy id any of the following allergens affects me:

1. String Fume

Whether it's a nice or bad odor for as long as  gives  strong scent that my allergy will soon attack. Maybe the fact that my nostril is sensitive that makes me a little irritated to any strong odor. Having a handkerchief on hand is always a nice option.

2, Drinking Cold Water

I was advised once by my doctor to prevent from eating chocolates or any beverages that are too cold. I am just sensitive to this thing and once i take such type, i do experience excessive coughing that are mostly of watery substance.

3. Nose Irritants

Thereare also few nose irritants that are contributory to allergy like fabric clothes, dust, cigarette smoke and more.


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